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Sunday, June 10, 2007

How To Select a Professional PHP Programmer?

By Keith Smith

If you want to enhance or upgrade your website, you may want to consult a Professional PHP Programmer. PHP is a popular and widely used development tool used to create dynamic websites and browser-based applications.

How do you know a qualified PHP Programmer from an in-experienced PHP Programmer?

Experience level, for starters. Do they have previous work-experience with the type of project you have in mind? What other skills do they have?

For example - a Professional PHP Programmer should understand security issues, cross-browser compatibility, have database knowledge, and have the ability to modify and add JavaScript to your website, understand cascading style sheets, and have knowledge of S.E.O. (search engine optimization) and Internet marketing.

Many PHP Programmers have little knowledge of S.E.O. and Internet marketing. I think this is a must. The person who creates your website can impact how the search engines rate your website.

Most PHP projects require a database, and the most popular hosting database is MySql. An experienced PHP Programmer should understand how to utilize a database to optimize your website or browser based application.

Knowing how to modify and add JavaScript to your website is important also. PHP runs on the server while JavaScript runs in the browser. Certain functionality is best handled on one end of the other. JavaScript is mostly used to create interactive calenders and data validation. Using JavaScript can really spice up your website.

Cascading style sheets (CSS) are used to define the fonts, layout, and style of your website. CSS is a must have skill for any professional PHP programmer.

The definitions a programmer puts in their CSS and JavaScript code are not standard across web browsers. Your prospective PHP Programmer must understand this fact and constantly test his code in several different browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

When interviewing a prospective Programmer, you may want to ask how they deal with security issues and try to understand their knowledge level of S.E.O. and Internet marketing. Security is much more important than search engine optimization; however, even the best looking website needs visitors in order to be viable.

Keith began his programming career over 20 years ago. In 1999 he became proficient in HTML and PERL programming languages. Since that time, he has been helping businesses and individuals build websites and over the past year has also assisted clients in Internet marketing and search engine optimization. This combination has allowed Keith to move beyond only website development to consulting with clients in using the Internet to their success. Keith is a trusted, professional PHP programmer.

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