E-business and E-commerce have quietly become the proving grounds for entrepreneurs seeking to parlay their ideas into a successful business entity. While online entrepreneurship is by no means a recent development, the number of non-traditional online entrepreneurial endeavors is growing at a rapid rate.
Where dot com businesses revolving around the business of dot com once reigned supreme, more traditional business models are now hitting the online marketplace en masse. From sales of mass market goods to services that can be performed through networking, the list is as endless as the number of available IP addresses.
The rise of the internet age has been a blessing for the entrepreneur, as it offers the ultimate low overhead in virtual space but exposes prospective business owners to high volumes of traffic they would be hard pressed to reach otherwise. With the capability for reaching millions worldwide, internet enterprises are fast forming the ultimate buyer’s market, where checking out the competition is only a point and click away.
Still, entrepreneurs experience far more positives than negatives when setting up shop on the internet. For starters, real estate is the great equalizer. Aside from being banned from Google or one of the other major search engines, there are no bad areas for business. Every “location, location, location” is on main street, and only the amount of window dressing separates one business from another. This allows the savviest entrepreneurs to focus far more effort on offering added value and being more creative with their marketing efforts. When the playing field is level, both businesses and consumers can benefit.
As more and more homes across the nation and around the world tap into the internet as a source of entertainment, information, goods and services, the market will continue to grow. The odds are in favor of entrepreneurs, instead of set against them as is often the case when opening a brick and mortar business. Though not all businesses can be run online, almost every business can benefit from an online presence. Since the internet is now more widely utilized than the phone book in most areas, even traditional entrepreneurial endeavors can attract a wider audience through the world wide web.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
E-business Attracts Entrepreneurial Crowd for Good Reason
Posted by
Mohammed Ebied
5:15 AM
Labels: Ebusiness, General, WebMaster career
E-business Attracts Entrepreneurial Crowd for Good R
E-business and E-commerce have quietly become the proving grounds for entrepreneurs seeking to parlay their ideas into a successful business entity. While online entrepreneurship is by no means a recent development, the number of non-traditional online entrepreneurial endeavors is growing at a rapid rate.
Where dot com businesses revolving around the business of dot com once reigned supreme, more traditional business models are now hitting the online marketplace en masse. From sales of mass market goods to services that can be performed through networking, the list is as endless as the number of available IP addresses.
The rise of the internet age has been a blessing for the entrepreneur, as it offers the ultimate low overhead in virtual space but exposes prospective business owners to high volumes of traffic they would be hard pressed to reach otherwise. With the capability for reaching millions worldwide, internet enterprises are fast forming the ultimate buyer’s market, where checking out the competition is only a point and click away.
Still, entrepreneurs experience far more positives than negatives when setting up shop on the internet. For starters, real estate is the great equalizer. Aside from being banned from Google or one of the other major search engines, there are no bad areas for business. Every “location, location, location” is on main street, and only the amount of window dressing separates one business from another. This allows the savviest entrepreneurs to focus far more effort on offering added value and being more creative with their marketing efforts. When the playing field is level, both businesses and consumers can benefit.
As more and more homes across the nation and around the world tap into the internet as a source of entertainment, information, goods and services, the market will continue to grow. The odds are in favor of entrepreneurs, instead of set against them as is often the case when opening a brick and mortar business. Though not all businesses can be run online, almost every business can benefit from an online presence. Since the internet is now more widely utilized than the phone book in most areas, even traditional entrepreneurial endeavors can attract a wider audience through the world wide web.
Posted by
Mohammed Ebied
5:15 AM
Labels: Ebusiness, General, WebMaster career
Simple Upload Page
with this code, you can create an upload page that combines HTML and PHP easily. this Source code has been writen form T4VN Team. so, if you want to develop it, please contact us. Thanks for your interested in this code
Step 1: Create one page with HTML content
Step 2 : Create file upload.php with content :
// $userfile is where file went on webserver
$userfile = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
// $userfile_name is original file name
$userfile_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name'];
// $userfile_size is size in bytes
$userfile_size = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['size'];
// $userfile_type is mime type e.g. image/gif
$userfile_type = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type'];
// $userfile_error is any error encountered
$userfile_error = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['error'];
// userfile_error was introduced at PHP 4.2.0
// use this code with newer versions
if ($userfile_error > 0) {
echo 'Problem: ';
switch ($userfile_error)
{ case 1:
echo 'File exceeded upload_max_filesize';
case 2:
echo 'File exceeded max_file_size';
case 3:
echo 'File only partially uploaded';
case 4:
echo 'No file uploaded';
// put the file where we'd like it
$upfile = '/uploads/'.$userfile_name;
// is_uploaded_file and move_uploaded_file
if (is_uploaded_file($userfile))
if (!move_uploaded_file($userfile, $upfile))
echo 'Problem: Could not move file to destination directory';
} else {
echo 'Problem: Possible file upload attack. Filename: '.$userfile_name;
echo 'File uploaded successfully
// show what was uploaded
echo 'Preview of uploaded file contents:
echo $contents;
echo '
Note :line: $upfile = '/uploads/'.$userfile_name; Folder of files have been stored, you can change it depending on your ideas
Another form of Upload file, you can choose file that you want to upload optionally
Create file upload.php with contents :
//Define some variables
$dir = "path/where/you/want/to/upload/files/"; //Bạn nên thay ðổi ðýờng dẫn cho phù hợp
//Kiều file, Gif, jpeg, zip ::bạn có thể sửa ðổi nếu thích
$types = array("image/gif","image/pjpeg","application/x-zip-compressed");
//Check to determine if the submit button has been pressed
//Shorten Variables
$tmp_name = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'];
$new_name = $_FILES['upload']['name'];
//Check MIME Type
if (in_array($_FILES['upload']['type'], $types)){
//Move file from tmp dir to new location
move_uploaded_file($tmp_name,$dir . $new_name);
echo "{$_FILES['upload']['name']} was uploaded sucessfully!";
//Print Error Message
echo "File {$_FILES['upload']['name']} Was Not Uploaded!
$name = $_FILES['upload']['name'];
$type = $_FILES['upload']['type'];
$size = $_FILES['upload']['size'];
$tmp = $_FILES['upload']['name'];
echo "Name: $name
Type: $type
Size: $size
Tmp: $tmp";
echo 'Could Not Upload Files';
Posted by
Mohammed Ebied
5:10 AM
Labels: PHP
Introducing Really Simple Syndication in ASP.NET
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML standard for declaring content entries for small content feeds. The RSS format has gained popularity over the years due to its simplicity. The XML file formatted according to the RSS specification is either found as a physical file or is obtained via a Web site that handles the request and sends the content over the Internet to the client. The RSS format is as given below
Introducing Really Simple Syndication in ASP.NET
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML standard for declaring content entries for small content feeds. The RSS format has gained popularity over the years due to its simplicity. The XML file formatted according to the RSS specification is either found as a physical file or is obtained via a Web site that handles the request and sends the content over the Internet to the client. The RSS format is as given below
The XML format for RSS declares that the XML must have a root element of
Most of the elements declared by the RSS specification are optional. However, some elements need to be declared to make the code functional.
Each RSS channel can contain up to 15 items and is easily parsed using Perl or other open source software. After you complete the creation and validation of your RSS text file, register it at the various aggregators. Now, any website can grab and display your feed regularly, driving traffic your way. Update your RSS file, and all the external sites that subscribe to your feed will be automatically updated.
RSS can not only display your news on websites and headline viewers but also display data in products and services like PDAs, mobile phones, email ticklers, and voice updates. RSS also enables you to automate email newsletters easily. In addition, affiliate networks and partners of like-minded sites can access each other's RSS feeds and automatically display the new stories from the other sites in the network, which as a whole drives more traffic. Plenty of RSS aggregators are available that automatically grab RSS files from the content providers and present the news in a many ways.
To access online version of the above article, go to http://www.dotnet-guide.com/rss.html
Posted by
Mohammed Ebied
5:08 AM
Labels: ASP.Net
Overview of XML Encryption
XML encryption classifies a course of action for encrypting plain text data, generating ciphertext, and decrypting the ciphertext to retrieve the plaintext data.
XML encryption classifies a course of action for encrypting plain text data, generating ciphertext, and decrypting the ciphertext to retrieve the plaintext data.
Both the
If the recipient does not know the decryption key in advance, then the sender generates and sends it. The key can be protected in transit by encrypting method or key agreement.
If the plaintext data to encrypt is an XML element or content, you encode it using UTF-8 and perform any necessary transforms to it, otherwise, if it is an external resource, you simply consider it as an octet sequence. You then encrypt the data, creating CipherValue, which you place in EncryptedData.
Care must be taken when signing content that may later be encrypted; clearly; the content must be restored to exactly the original plaintext form for the signature to validate properly. To restore the plaintext in the signed content, use the decryption transform method for XML signature defined by the XML encrypt joint W3C and IETF working group.
This transform also allows specifications of XML fragments that were encrypted and then signed with rest of the document and, therefore, are not decrypted to validate the signature. Often, encrypted fragments are removed from the signed information by using the XPATH transform in the reference element, since the meaningful information is the plaintext.
We can sign the plaintext version of an encrypted element by including the appropriate reference element pointing to it. When the signed document is confidential and encrypted after being signed, you should also protect against surreptitious forwarding in which the recipient forwards the signed confidential document to a competitor, encrypted by the competitor public key, trying to make it look as if the sender sent the confidential information. To prevent surreptitious forwarding, the signer should append the recipient identities to the document being signed.
If the recipient does not know the decryption key in advance, then the sender generates and sends it. The key can be protected in transit by encrypting method or key agreement.
If the plaintext data to encrypt is an XML element or content, you encode it using UTF-8 and perform any necessary transforms to it, otherwise, if it is an external resource, you simply consider it as an octet sequence. You then encrypt the data, creating CipherValue, which you place in EncryptedData.
Care must be taken when signing content that may later be encrypted; clearly; the content must be restored to exactly the original plaintext form for the signature to validate properly. To restore the plaintext in the signed content, use the decryption transform method for XML signature defined by the XML encrypt joint W3C and IETF working group.
This transform also allows specifications of XML fragments that were encrypted and then signed with rest of the document and, therefore, are not decrypted to validate the signature. Often, encrypted fragments are removed from the signed information by using the XPATH transform in the reference element, since the meaningful information is the plaintext.
We can sign the plaintext version of an encrypted element by including the appropriate reference element pointing to it. When the signed document is confidential and encrypted after being signed, you should also protect against surreptitious forwarding in which the recipient forwards the signed confidential document to a competitor, encrypted by the competitor public key, trying to make it look as if the sender sent the confidential information. To prevent surreptitious forwarding, the signer should append the recipient identities to the document being signed.
Articles Source - www.artices-hub.com
Posted by
Mohammed Ebied
5:05 AM
Labels: XML
The 5 Worst Home-Based Business Scams
By: Ben Welch
In a forum devoted to education and careers, a blog devoted to this topic was inevitable - home-based business scams. Anyone who has an email account has gotten an email - if not a thousand - like this:
Earn an Extra $5K+ per month!
Make your financial dreams happen!
Free information and training package!
Usually, the email includes a testimonial or two from people "just like you."
Before I started this business, I used to [insert bad career here]. But I started working [insert home-based business opportunity here] and made $2500 my first month! By my sixth month, I was making $11,000. This business is a dream come true!
Some of these emails can be fairly persuasive, especially if it's been a tight month. I mean, who wouldn't want to earn a little extra money? Then I think of the old adage, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is," and I realize I'm probably dealing with a home-based business scam. At that point, the email becomes ridiculous.
But the truth is that thousands - if not tens of thousands - of people fall for these scams every day. Sadly, for many of these people, that decision will be disastrous. Home-based business scams tend to target people who can ill afford such a misstep - the sick and disabled, the elderly, stay-at-home mothers, low-income families, and people lacking a college education. (Note: it's not that people without college educations are less intelligent per se; rather, because they don't have college degrees, chances are they are more inclined to take risks.)
For anyone who's ever received these emails - or who every will - let me identify five of the most common and pernicious home business scams, which I've gleaned from several websites issuing similar warnings. Think of it as a public service announcement.
1. Multi-level Marketing (MLM)
Basically, multi-level marketing entails selling some kind of product or service but also rewards the participant for recruiting other people to join. Typically, early recruits are paid by the entry fees gleaned from new recruits, who in turn must collect their rewards from others. Each level feeds (or builds) off the one after it, which is why MLMs are sometimes referred to as "pyramid schemes." Granted, not all MLMs are true pyramid schemes - which is illegal in most states - but most MLMs still rely on deception in order to succeed. As such, beware of MLM "opportunities" that promise large incomes for selling dubious products and recruiting fellow distributors.
2. Reshipping Fraud
Reshipping involves receiving mail merchandise and then repackaging and reshipping it for a substantial profit. Sounds easy, right? The only problem is that the merchandise was paid for with stolen credit cards, which means you - the reshipper - are acting as a "fence" for stolen goods. Reshipping fraud is relatively new to the realm of home-business fraud; as such, reshipping "opportunities" still appear in legitimate newspapers and websites, which lend them an air of credibility. Don't be fooled. Reshipping fraud is not only illegal but also dangerous.
3. Craft Assembly
The variations on this scam are legion, but essentially it involves a company outsourcing the assembly of its product to you. All you need is a start-up kit and raw materials, which you purchase from the company, of course, and which you can do at home. Once you've assembled the products - toys, magnets, jewelry - you send it back to the company only to find that your products "fail to meet specifications." You're left with a bunch of useless products and no one to sell them to. Beware.
4. Medical Billing
The basic sales pitch with medical billing is that the health care industry is inundated with unprocessed paper claims and there's a need for someone - you - to process these claims electronically. The beauty of this scam is that it's true - there is a need and you can make money processing claims. The training you receive from promoters, while overpriced, will be legitimate. The only problem is that once you've finished your training you have to generate your own business. That's where the scam comes in - promoters tend to over-hype their ability to get you contacts within the medical community. The fact is that few medical-billing entrepreneurs are able to attract clients and earn a reasonable income. The truth is that the medical billing market revolves around several large firms and competition is stiff.
And finally...
5. Envelope Stuffing
The doyen of home-based business scams has been around since the 1920s. One website even referred to it as the "cockroach you just can't eliminate." Basically, this scam involves you sending off a fee to learn how to make money stuffing envelopes from home. Shortly thereafter, you get a letter telling you to place a similar envelope-stuffing ad in magazines and newspapers. That way, people will send money to you to learn how to make money stuffing envelopes. You, in turn, send them a similar letter about placing envelope-stuffing ads in other magazines and newspapers. In short, the way you earn money stuffing envelopes is by propagating the envelope-stuffing scam.
To conclude, let me just observe what these home-based business scams have in common: it's true that they lie, exaggerate, and misrepresent their products and services. That being said, the only reason they work is because people let themselves be carried away by delusions of "getting rich quick" or "making easy money." In other words, these scams, like all confidence games, feed off of greed and, in some cases, desperation. Don't be a victim. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember that the only foolproof ways to increase your earning potential are hard work and education.
Posted by
Mohammed Ebied
4:57 AM
Labels: General
Thursday, June 14, 2007
How to Profit Easily From RSS Data Feeds
By: Michael Hehn
stands for "really simple syndication", and as the name suggests, it is relatively easy to take advantage of RSS to make money.
There are many ways you can profit from RSS data feeds. To begin with, since this is a new technology, most people are afraid to jump in and learn how to take advantage of it. This makes it a great opportunity for you because there is less competition.
In the same way you generate traffic, subscribers and money by writing and submitting articles to article directories, you can do the same thing with RSS feeds.
You simply create your RSS feed and then submit it to the various RSS feed directories.
The links within your feeds need to point back to your websites, affiliate links and opt-in list pages so that you can make money.
On the Internet content is king and webmasters are always on the lookout for free content. Especially nowadays, with the Google Adsense craze, a lot of Internet marketers are creating tons of websites constantly with page generators and free content.
This is why an RSS feed will be picked up and used on lots of different websites, and the smart marketers that use RSS feeds stand to profit wildly from this situation.
You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about rss. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.
Since you will be submitting the RSS feed to directories, it is important to use an attractive title, including related keywords. This way, people looking for content will find it when doing a search in RSS feed directories.
Now that you have a fair understanding of what RSS is, and how you can create your own feed, here are some creative ways to put the power of RSS to work and bring in profits:
1. Syndicate your RSS feed in RSS directories to be picked up by webmasters looking for free content.
2. Insert relevant affiliate links in your RSS feed.
3. Insert links to your websites and opt-in list pages. This way you build up your link popularity and attract traffic to your websites.
4. Sell a product directly using RSS by including your sales letter in the feed.
5. Use RSS data feed content from other authors to create a content site using a page generator. Once the content site is done you can add Adsense and related affiliate links.
These are just a few ideas to get you started with profiting from RSS feeds. With application of this technology you will come up with various other ideas, and profit even more. The key is to take action and differentiate yourself from the majority of Internet marketers, many of whom are afraid to deal with technology at all.
This article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.
Earn Extra Money Online…Win Dollars for Yourself!!
Article Source: http://www.articles.myprofession.org
Posted by
Mohammed Ebied
3:11 AM
Labels: Profit online, RSS